Women who have an abortion may recovery physically quickly, but the emotional and psychological recovery can be much more difficult. The physical recovery is about two weeks, but that time can vary. Sometimes women consider abortion so that they can continue with their future goals – finishing high school, attending college, moving on in a relationship, getting married, supporting other children, etc. But after the abortion, many women have unresolved emotional issues surrounding their decision to have an abortion, and counseling may be necessary.  In other words, abortion addresses temporary problems but has permanent consequences for the child and you.

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– Krista, age 19


+What if I took the abortion pill (RU-486 or misoprostol) and I changed my mind?

It is sometimes possible to reverse the effects of the abortion pill and save the baby. Learn more here.

+What is an abortion?

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by causing the death of the baby.  Sometimes the death occurs by pills, or a chemical solution, or surgery.

+How much does an abortion cost?

The financial cost of an abortion depends on the type of abortion, how far the pregnancy progressed, where you live and if you, your partner or your parents have insurance.
  • The average cost for the abortion pill (prescription/medical abortion) is between $300 and $800.
  • The average cost for a surgical procedure abortion in the first trimester is between $300 and $900.
  • Abortions happening in the second trimester are more expensive, costing upwards of $600 to several thousands of dollars. The cost is dependent on how far the pregnancy has progressed.
  • The emotional cost of an abortion can be lifelong.

+What if I was raped?

A special resource just for you is at Choices4Life. In addition, you can ask for a counselor at 864-275-1682.

+How will I feel after an abortion?


There may be cramps, nausea, lightheadedness, and bleeding. The cervix and uterus will feel sore and swollen. In some instances, physical symptoms will persist, and where there is persistent nausea, fever, blood clots, heavy tissue discharge, and/or abdominal pain, a woman should contact her physician.


A woman may have a wide range of emotions after the abortion. Some women feel temporary relief, while others experience a range of negative emotions such as sadness, relief, anger, guilt, shame, anxiety, regret, confusion and depression about the procedure. Sometimes, even when a woman feels relief, there is an underlying sense of sadness and confusion. Negative emotions can surface immediately after the abortion, or several months or years later. Imbalances due to leftover pregnancy hormones can cause mood swings, distractibility and unexpected bouts of crying.

Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS)

Depression can occur after the abortion, and severe depression may be a sign of Post Abortion Stress (PASS). PASS is a form of post traumatic stress disorder and is a condition that can affect women who have experienced an abortion procedure. Some women may have a more difficult time with the decision to have an abortion, the procedure, and/or the emotional and physical recovery process. This can be traumatic. As with any trauma, a woman may try to forget the ordeal and repress any pain or negative emotions they may feel. Many don’t realize that the stress is related to the abortion experience. The symptoms of PASS may occur immediately after the procedure or much later. Over time, these negative emotions and feelings may resurface, and the loss must be faced.

For more info on PASS.

+ What are the short term risks of an abortion

The abortion procedure can have several side effects, which include:

  • Severe bleeding/hemorrhaging
  • Infection
  • Damage to organs
  • Sometimes can lead to Death

For more information on these conditions, click here.

+ What will my life be like after an abortion

Women who have an abortion may recovery physically quickly, but the emotional and psychological recovery can be much more difficult. The physical recovery is about two weeks, but that time can vary. Sometimes women consider abortion so that they can continue with their future goals – finishing high school, attending college, moving on in a relationship, getting married, supporting other children, etc. But after the abortion, many women have unresolved emotional issues surrounding their decision to have an abortion, and counseling may be necessary.  In other words, abortion addresses temporary problems but has permanent consequences for the child and you.